
Diversity and Inclusion Research Grant

The ¶¶Òô´ó¹Ï Diversity and Inclusion Research Grant is founded on one of the guiding principles of the ¶¶Òô´ó¹Ï to support minority health and eliminate health care disparities in the field of Gastroenterology. This grant will support studies focusing on minority health and healthcare disparities in populations with GI-focused diseases. Research that has the potential for influencing and impacting change will be prioritized. One award will be given annually. The research should focus on a systematic process of identifying the clinical issue, the intervention to address the issue, and measuring the post-intervention outcomes to demonstrate how the project may impact clinical practice.


The objective of this award is to promote studies that advance the field of gastroenterology research and focus on minority health as well as healthcare disparities as it relates to GI disease.


Awards & Requirements

Selection Criteria

Review Process

Grant Proposal Outline


Candidate is required to be an ¶¶Òô´ó¹Ï member at the time of application, be an MD (or have equivalent degree), and be currently practicing in North America (international applications will be considered as described below). Candidates who are delinquent on prior ¶¶Òô´ó¹Ï research grants (e.g., progress reports) are not eligible for future ¶¶Òô´ó¹Ï funding. If the candidate is a trainee, there must be a letter from the trainee's Division Chief confirming the trainee's ongoing appointment and Page 2 position at the institution for the duration of the grant. If the trainee applicant is not guaranteed an appointment for the duration of the grant, a contingency plan is required. Also, trainees must include a letter of support from a research mentor.

International Eligibility

¶¶Òô´ó¹Ï International Members are eligible to apply for a Research Award (Current ¶¶Òô´ó¹Ï membership is a requirement of eligibility for grants and awards). The ¶¶Òô´ó¹Ï Research Committee will consider funding one international project for up to $50,000. The project justification should explain its relevance to ¶¶Òô´ó¹Ï membership and should explain if there are unique reasons why an international location for the project might be more feasible than in North America. All other standards listed above will apply to international applicants. Please contact for more information on eligibility.

  1. Grants may be requested for a maximum of $50,000 in total funding and spanning no more than two years.
  2. Requests for funding pilot studies that will generate preliminary data to justify a larger clinical trial will be considered, as well as larger requests for definitive studies.
  3. The budget and budget justification should be itemized, and all items should be clearly related to the research proposal. In order to maximize the funds available for research, budgets may not include indirect costs or travel expenses. Budgets will be scrutinized and considered in the scoring of the grant. Inappropriate or poorly justified budgets can jeopardize the application. Additionally, the research committee may adjust the award amount if needed.
  4. Funding requests may include:
    • Personnel (e.g., research assistant and/or faculty salary support; this should include a percentage of effort up to the current NIH salary cap for the proposed study with appropriate justification).
    • Study supplies
    • Equipment essential for the study
  5. Funding will not be provided for:
    • Salary support for trainees
    • Computer purchases (unless a unique application is proposed)
    • Standard equipment and supplies needed for usual patient care (for example, polypectomy snares)
    • Travel to meetings
    • Indirect costs/University overhead
  6. For grants spanning two years, the second year of continued funding is contingent on satisfactory study progress determined by the Research Committee after review of mandatory annual progress reports.
  7. Studies which include more than one center will require institutional review board approval at all centers before dissemination of funds. The participating institutions and investigators should be specified in the application.
  8. Progress reports must be submitted to the Research Committee via the ¶¶Òô´ó¹Ï Administrative Office every 12 months for the duration of the project (deadline is June 30). Progress reports must include a financial statement from the institutional grants or accounting office. Failure to submit a progress report by the stated deadline may affect future funding.
  9. Requests for no-cost extensions must be submitted in writing to the Chair of the Research Committee via the ¶¶Òô´ó¹Ï administrative office. This request should include a) a detailed summary regarding how grant money has been spent (or forecasted to be spent) up to the original award end date, and b) a proposed budget describing in reasonable detail how the remaining funds will be spent in the upcoming year. A change in PI for the upcoming award period may be proposed by and justified by the original PI, including changes of the PI-ship to the mentor.
  10. Upon completion of the award, the ¶¶Òô´ó¹Ï requires that a final scientific and financial report from the grants or account office be submitted. All publications and abstracts must acknowledge support from the ¶¶Òô´ó¹Ï.

Grants are awarded based on the scientific merit of the proposal and assessment of the investigator's ability to complete the project (supportive environment, experience, training, availability of patients and other resources needed).

The applications will be screened by the Diversity and Inclusion Committee. The ¶¶Òô´ó¹Ï Research Committee will review the proposals and recommend awardees. The final selection of awards is made by the ¶¶Òô´ó¹Ï Governing Board.

The application must have your name (last name, first name) and the name of the award in the upper right-hand corner of each page, page number in the upper left-hand corner of each page, be in Arial 11-point font, with >0.75" margins, and contain:

  1. Cover letter
    • Cover letter should be limited to one page, and include a very brief synopsis of proposed project, investigator team, and disclosure of any conflicts of interest.
    • Conflicts of interest include financial ownership, patent rights, or other relationship with industry that is pertinent to proposed research. Investigators should err on the side of complete disclosure. If conflicts exist, a plan for resolution of these conflicts should be delineated in the cover letter.
    • If the proposal (or a related proposal) was submitted previously to the ¶¶Òô´ó¹Ï research award, this should be disclosed in the cover letter.
  2. Impact statement: Include a brief summary of project and its potential impact on the field of gastroenterology and/or endoscopic practice (maximum 3 sentences).
  3. Abstract – Include name, institution, project title, mentor name if applicable, and a one-page summary of the proposal including hypothesis and goals. Suggested headings include: Background; Aims/Hypothesis; Methods; Analysis and Sample Size Calculation; Timeline and Feasibility; Future Study. Limit to one page.
  4. Grant Proposal – Prepare according to NIH-form SF 424 (R&R) guidelines. Limit to five pages (excluding references and budget) and include each of the following headers:
    • Title and Introduction
    • Hypothesis & Specific Aims: This should be a clear statement of the problem, the related hypothesis/question and a brief description of the proposed scientific plan. Provide a concise explanation in a few sentences.
    • Background and Significance to Endoscopic Practice: Justification regarding scope of the problem, and relevance to ¶¶Òô´ó¹Ï membership and the endoscopy community. d. Innovation: describe how this proposal challenges existing paradigms, or employs novel technologies, approaches, tools or methodologies.
    • Preliminary Data: Outline prior studies or your pilot work already completed in this area. If prior studies have not been done by your group, give brief details of work done by others.
    • Approach: Describe the methods of collection and analysis of the data. A statistical data analysis plan, including sample size calculations, is required, even for retrospective studies. Be as specific as possible.
    • Pitfalls, Alternatives and Future Directions: Describe potential weaknesses in the study design and approaches used to mitigate these limitations.
  5. References - Limit to two pages.
  6. Biosketches- Provide NIH-style biosketch for candidate, mentor and co-investigators that includes project specific personal statement, relevant prior publications, and all current funding (see example at ). Limit to five pages each.
  7. Budget and Budget Justification – Please justify all items (including percent of effort) with a separate budget justification page. Limit to one page for budget, and one additional page for justification.
    • The maximum request should be $50,000. Grant support for this amount may be distributed over one or two years. If the grant is budgeted for two years, the second year of continued funding is contingent on satisfactory progress, as demonstrated in the mandatory yearly progress reports.
    • Funding will only be considered for allowed items (see” Application Submission and Requirements” section 2-5)
  8. Resources and Environment – List facilities, equipment, and available personnel required to complete this project. Be aware that reviewers of the grant may not be aware of the resources and/or patient volumes of your center. Limit resources statement and collaborator letters to one page each.
  9. Institutional Review Board - Attach IRB approval or proof of exempt status, if available (this may help if ability to obtain IRB approval is called into question by the Committee). If not available at time of application, and the application is funded, no funds will be released until IRB approval is received by the ¶¶Òô´ó¹Ï. Studies that include more than one center will require institutional review board (IRB) approval from each center. If this is a clinical trial, a number must be included.
  10. Supporting Letters – Required from key collaborators, especially if from other institutions. Trainees require both a letter from the Division Chief and from their research mentor, as described above under "Eligibility". Limit supporting letters to one page each.


The ¶¶Òô´ó¹Ï Research Committee requires electronic submission in a single PDF file. ¶¶Òô´ó¹Ï Membership at the time of submission is a requirement of this award. If you have questions or are experiencing problems submitting your grant application, please email

The following documents must be included in your submission:

  • Abstract
  • Grant proposal
  • References
  • Biosketches
  • Budget
  • Resources
  • References
  • Institutional Review Board Approval (if available)
  • Supporting letters

Closed for Submission.

Note: Grants not meeting the stated requirements, such as exceeding the page limits, will be administratively returned without review.